Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sword Fern

The Sword Fern is a hardy fern that does well in San Diego. Sword Ferns prefer shaded to part shade environments, but can tolerate full sun as well. They require a moderate amount of water.
Sword Ferns spread quickly and can create a sort of low lying hedge that can be pruned back and shaped fairly easily when grown along a concrete walkway or along  low lying concrete curbs or walls.

For more info on sword ferns, check out these sites:

Right now, I've got sword ferns in 1gal containers for a mere three bucks each!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Elephant's Ears (Taro)

Elephant Ears are a tropical plant which has very large leaves and like shade to part shade environments and like to remain moist. They are a  perfect addition to an existing tropical garden or for those looking to landscape more shaded areas.
For more information on elephant's ears , please see:

Right now, I have several large Elephant Ear plants. Each Elephant Ear plant is only $3.


Saturday, July 30, 2011


Plumeria do very well here in coastal San Diego. Plumeria are a hardy, low maintenance plant that can easily become a larger tree if cared for properly. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this plant, please read this:

Right now, I have a couple of nice Plumeria for sale. Both plumeria have multiple points and are fully rooted and ready to be planted in the ground or moved into a larger containers.

The two Plumeria I have ready for sale right now are in 1 Gal black containers and are $15 apiece.

 #1 "Celadine"- This is an easy to grow variety. Nice three point plant. Yellow and white flower with good keeping quality and a pleasant citrusy , floral scent. $15

 #2  "Arlenes White"- an off white to cream colored flower with a pinkish-orange center.  Large two pointed plant with symetrical , deep forking.  Nice floral fragrance and good keeping quality. $15
